Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Little "Acts of Kindness" in the Night

I'm feeling a little low today, so I will list ten good things I did this week.

1. I got exercise three times.

2. I had a disagreement with a friend, but listened to her side first, then repeated back what she’d said before giving my side. (I had never done this before and I highly recommend it.)

3. When dining away from home, I use my own bamboo silverware instead of plastic. (Available at under the name To-Go Ware)

4. I scraped somebody’s car in the parking lot, but I left a note with an apology and my phone number.

5. I worked really hard to not beat myself up for the above, mostly by telling myself that these things happen to everybody.

6. I finished the rough draft of my Easy Reader.

7. When I went grocery shopping, I bought an extra can of food to donate to the food bank.

8. I wanted to overeat but called my friend Nance instead.

9. I was subbing for my meeting’s secretary and remembered to get there on time.

10. I bought books from a small local bookstore instead of a chain.

You know, it's funny how hard it is to list positive things like that, but they always lift my mood.

Maybe some of my readers could send me a list of good things about themselves, either here or in an e-mail. How about it?

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