Saturday, June 13, 2009

We've Got a Winner!

Congratulations, Steb I. of Egosuperego, ID for your winning entry in last week's "Name Those Books Contest."

Steb I, you win a free portrait of yourself, in beautiful contruction paper and Scotch tape,mailed to your home address and displayed on the Internet(Please allow 7-10 working days for delivery)

Again, congratulations, Steb I, on your superior knowledge of books and googling!

Here are the winning answers!

1. The Secret Garden
2. Wind in the Willows
3. The Grapes of Wrath
4. Alice in Wonderland
5. Watership Down
6. Little House in the Big Woods
7. The Great Gatsby
8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
9. Great Expectations
10. Jane Eyre

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