Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tis the Season to Be Frantic

(My favorite cartoon from New Yorker Magazine, Sept 28, 2009)

In my twenties, I learned that stress is very bad for you. My solution: avoid anything that might possibly stress me. With age and wisdom, I tell you: DO NOT DO THIS. EVER.

Because now I've reached the age where everything stresses me out anyway. Especially Happy Holiday Time.

What keeps me from totally turning into Mr. Munch?
Take note:

Focus on this one day at a time and if necessary, one minute at a time.

Breathe in “let go,” breathe out “let God.”

Write on a piece of paper “I will get everything done; I always do.”

When tempted to lie awake nights worrying, speak to myself in very bossy tones: “This is not worrying time; it’s sleeping time.“
(Note: All thoughts that occur between the hours of 11 PM and 6 AM are insane anyway.)

Drop everything that’s absolutely unnecessary. In my case this means no Christmas letter. Plus, Christmas cards may not arrive till after Valentines Day, but doesn’t that sound like fun?

In short, take care of Poe.

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